
Horoscope for Friday, April 5, 2024


Moon alert

After 6:30 am Chicago time, there are no restrictions on shopping or making important decisions. The moon is in Pisces.

Aries (March 21 to April 19)

This is a great day to research and discover more information about anything you want to know. In fact, secrets may be revealed. People will be happy to work with you and help you because the Sun and beautiful Venus are in your sign, along with Mercury retrograde.

Taurus (April 20 to May 20)

You may be more involved than usual with a friend or group member. In fact, this is a great day to share your ideas with someone if you want them to give you feedback on your plans. You’re also likely to compete with a friend or group.

Gemini (May 21 to June 20)

You are very visible today, which means people notice you more than usual. Somehow, strangers seem to know about your personal life. Meanwhile, you are ambitious about what you want to achieve and your friends (especially young ones) will help you achieve it.

Cancer (June 21 to July 22)

You look attractive to others with the sun and beautiful Venus high in your chart. Maybe that’s why you’ll catch the attention of bosses, parents, and authority figures you haven’t seen in a while. In fact, you might start an affair with a boss or someone in a position of authority.

Leo (July 23 to August 22)

Take advantage of the six-week period when it will be easier to finish writing important projects or study plans. Mercury retrograde will help you come back and finish what’s on your plate. In fact, you’ll be surprised at how quickly things will flow. Try it.

Virgo (August 23 to September 22)

Today the moon is on the opposite side of your sign, which means you should go more than halfway when dealing with others. Hey, this is no big deal. It just requires a little patience, cooperation, and a calm attitude on your part. You can do it, sure.

Libra (September 23 to October 22)

Many of you are dealing with the consequences of having ex-partners and old friends back in your world. This might be especially challenging for you because you’re a people pleaser, which means you might be pulled in different directions with different loyalties. Is not easy. Just please yourself.

Scorpio (October 23 to November 21)

This is a playful and fun day. Accept invitations to chat and socialize with others. Enjoy sporting events, arts, movies and fun activities with the kids. Could you be involved in some type of competitive sport or artistic competition? Because you are working hard, you will get results.

Sagittarius (November 22 to December 21)

Although this is a social time that invites conversation, today you feel the need to take a breath and hide somewhere, preferably where you can relax in familiar surroundings like your home. However, is increased activity and chaos at home a challenge? To do?

Capricorn (December 22 to January 19)

You have a strong need to talk to others today because you not only want to say something, but you need them to listen to you. This is why you want to find someone who is willing to have a serious conversation, not just gossip and casual chat.

Aquarius (January 20 to February 18)

Now you are working hard to increase your profits, which is why you have money, possessions, and your values ​​on your mind. If you are planning a short trip, give yourself extra time to deal with the unexpected because travel delays are likely.

Pisces (February 19 to March 20)

Today the moon will be in your sign for the next 2 and a half days, giving you a slight advantage over other signs. It is true that it also intensifies your emotions. (Bring a tissue because you’re a crybaby.) Try physical exercise to release the pent-up steam that builds up inside you due to Mars in your sign.

If your birthday is today

Actress Lily James (1989) shares her birthday. You are creative and work hard to achieve your goals. You’re busy and active, and sometimes you dazzle! This year you will receive recognition for your efforts. You could achieve power or leadership. You will receive awards, promotions, recognition or congratulations. Bravo!


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