
Kyle Tells His Parents Claire Took Harrison


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At Society, Daniel and Phyllis eat risotto. He wants to know what Lily said. Daniel tried to reason with her at first and told her that it was only fair that he give her Princess Luisa and a few other games. She didn’t move an inch and he warned her that she was going to file a lawsuit. Phyllis supports him 100%. Daniel appreciates it, but he warns that things could get ugly. Since he still works there, some of those consequences could fall on her.

It’s not saying that Lily would surely go there, but there is a possibility that her position is a victim. Phyllis doesn’t care; she can get a job anywhere. She’s not looking forward to working with Lily and Devon after they fired her. She decides that she could get the whole team to come with her. Omegasphere is amazing and it’s yours; What better way to demonstrate it? Daniel doesn’t want his mother to lose her job because of this. Phyllis hasn’t figured out her next move. She will go and take advantage of the opportunity. Daniel is concerned about her tone. “You’re already cooking something, aren’t you?” She wants to know what kind of opportunities she is talking about.
Daniel Phyllis Y&R

At Daniel’s house, Danny tells Christine that they have the place to themselves. “Tomorrow is the big day,” he says enthusiastically. He has created a tour itinerary to show him and he is so excited that he can’t say a word. She finally stops him and tells him, “I hate the thought of disappointing you.” Christine explains that she received a call from a former colleague who had a case in which the defendant specifically asked her to represent them. She has known the person for a long time and they are in a bind. It could be months. Danny realizes that she won’t be able to travel with him. Part of her wants to reject them; She has been looking forward to this adventure with him, but as a lawyer, when a once-in-a-lifetime case arises, she can’t help but be drawn. Her love is also once in a lifetime. So what do you do when two things collide?

Further: The story ‘Niktor’ will never sound again

In the jazz room, Nikki and Victor’s party continues. Victor asks Nick if he’s heard anything about Jordan. Nick says there’s been no sign of her; he maybe he did leave town. Victor doesn’t believe it for a minute.
Nick Victor Y&R

Across the room, Jack asks Nikki how she’s doing: he’s so proud of her. Nikki surprises him by telling him that the party doesn’t have alcohol, but she doesn’t. She explains that when they sent her the drink the other day she freaked out. She convinced herself that she needed to take a sip in case Jordan showed up. Part of the reason for the party was to bring her out of hiding. Jack asks if that was Victor’s idea. Nikki sighs that it was hers, but Jordan didn’t show up. Jack tells him this was a bad plan. Nikki maintains that in the midst of all this, something surprising happened. “I was able to stop. That’s the amazing part.” By being there with her friends and family, she was able to fight the urge to drink. “I felt strong. For the first time I felt like I could beat this. She didn’t need the alcohol. “I have love around me and I felt free.” Jack marvels, “Wow,” as Victor joins them and asks, “Is everything okay?”

Kyle and Harrison arrive at Abbott’s house. Kyle assures the boy that his great-grandparents loved his gift. He says Traci and Ashley have gone to bed and it’s time to brush their teeth. Harrison notices that his lucky bunny has disappeared and panics. “I have to find him, please!”
Harrison Kyle Y&R

At the Club, Claire leaves and says goodnight to Larry, the security guard. Jordan watches her as she walks away from her.

At Abbott’s house, Kyle and Harrison checked the car. Kyle thinks the boy left the bunny on the table. He will call his mother to bring it to him. Harrison goes upstairs and Kyle pulls out his phone and calls Summer. He finds out that Harrison left his lucky bunny and goes looking. She doesn’t see it. Kyle hears her doorbell and lets her go. He walks over and opens the door for Claire, who has the bunny. “Miss someone?”
Claire Kyle Y&R

Kyle invites Claire in and thanks her. They joke about the importance of a lucky charm. Claire knows how important he is to Harrison and she didn’t want him to be left without him. She remembers that her lucky charm was taken away from her. “My Aunt Jordan always had to have control over everything.” At the time she didn’t realize why. She remembers finding a pretty white rock and hiding it from Jordan. When she was alone, she would talk to him and wish him friends and a real family; A happy life. One day, Jordan caught her and snatched it from her. She said that her wishes were for fools and that all she could count on was her. Kyle thinks it must have been horrible. Claire says she should leave, but Kyle asks her to stay behind.

At the party, Adam reflexively checks to see if he’s heard from Connor. Sally thinks no news is good news. Maybe they are making progress and the therapy is working. Adam hopes so. Sally asks how she can make this easier for him. Nearby, Jack tells Victor that Nikki fought her urge to drink tonight. He believes the dry party helped. Victor is very proud of his wife.
Jack Nikki Victor Y&R

At Society, Phyllis wants to know what Daniel’s plans are if he wins the lawsuit. She’s taking it one day at a time. Phyllis talks about how exhausting it is to stand up for what you believe in. She shouldn’t have to pay for trying to save her family. “You shouldn’t have to pay for that.” Daniel wants to talk about something else. He asks about her and her dad. Phyllis says they took a step back and decided it was best not to move forward. Daniel wonders if he finally realized that romance was never on the table. Phyllis complains that he dismissed the idea. Daniel thinks she should appreciate the friendship he offers her. “If you want to talk, I’m here to listen to you.” Phyllis insists that she has moved on. She laughs at Danny’s ridiculous choice of choosing the Bug. She won’t let that stop her.

Further: How Lily could end up fired

At Daniel’s apartment, Christine debates whether to take the case or go on tour. Danny won’t stop her. She loves. The case won’t last forever and neither will her tour. Christine feels that this may be her last best chance: how can she walk away? Danny kisses her hands and asks her not to make any decisions until she falls asleep. She’s not convinced that makes it any easier and she starts to cry. Danny wants to enjoy every second they have together if it’s going to be her last night for a while. They kiss.
Danny Christine Y&R

In the jazz lounge, Victor and Nikki slow dance and Sally talks to Adam about their inspiring and enduring love. They kiss and decide to go upstairs.

Further: Nikki and Victor Scrapbook

At the Abbott mansion, Claire tells Kyle that it’s still new for her to have conversations with adults without Jordan checking on her. She followed her because she was afraid of what she might happen if she didn’t. Kyle points out that he doesn’t have to be afraid anymore. Claire tells him that every day she gets a little more used to being free. Harrison shows up and is delighted that Claire found her bunny. He hugs her. Claire talks to Harrison about lucky pennies and four-leaf clovers, and then Kyle says it’s time to sleep. Harrison wants Claire to read her bedtime story to him. Kyle agrees and sends them upstairs. He’ll get up later.
Kyle Harrison

Once alone, Kyle calls Summer and tells her that Claire found the bunny and brought him back. Summer asks if she’s still there. Kyle says she’s upstairs reading a story to Harrison.

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Adam and Sally walk into his suite and he asks them, “Where do you see yourself in forty years?” Sally thinks it’s a trick question. She is looking to see if she is still in the photo. He asks: “Well?” Sally certainly hopes so. Adam thinks they could spend 40, 50 or even 60 years together. “I do not want this to ever end”. They kiss passionately and he kisses her shoulder and neck as they begin to undress.
Adam Sally Y&R

At the jazz lounge, Nick approaches Phyllis and asks her how she got through security, since he’s not on the guest list. Smiling, Phyllis assures her that they did her job…one of them recognized her and told her she could come in. She explains that Summer didn’t tell her there was a party. Nick wonders if she’s looking for a supportive compliment. She will accept it if he wants to give it to her.
Nick Phyllis Y&R

In Harrison’s bedroom, he and Claire are about to begin their story when he announces that he has to go to the bathroom. “I’ll be right back.” Once alone, Claire looks around the room until someone puts a chloroform cloth on her face and knocks her out: it’s Jordan. Having dealt with Claire, Jordan looks in the direction Harrison left.
Claire Jordan Y&R

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At the jazz club, Summer approaches and joins Nick and Phyllis, who ask her why she didn’t tell them about the party. Summer says it’s Newman’s thing. Nick assumes she was worried about trying to crash. Phyllis teases that things are about to blow up for her at Chancellor-Winters. “I have big plans.” Summer asks him to be careful.
Nick Summer Phyllis Y&R

At Daniel’s house, Danny and Cricket have had sex and she continues to agonize over what to do. Danny holds her face and tells her that it took them so long to find each other again and that they are meant to be. Any decision you make will be the right one. They kiss.
Danny Christine Y&R Sofa

In the jazz room, Michael and Lauren say goodnight to Victor and Nikki and leave. Nick tells his parents that he is leaving too. He baffles them that there is no sign of Jordan. Nick walks out and Nikki tells Victor, “Well, I was wrong. I thought Jordan wouldn’t be able to resist this.” Victor promises that they will catch her. Nikki worries that she will keep coming up with new ways to torment them. Victor doesn’t want her to think about that; Tonight is about them. They kiss.
Nikki Victor Y&R

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At the Abbott mansion, Kyle runs down the stairs talking on the phone to 9-1-1 as Diane and Jack walk through the door. Jack asks what’s wrong. Kyle gasps, “It’s Claire. I think she took Harrison! Diane exclaims, “What?!”
Jack Diane Y&R

Further: Exclusive video! Lanier and Mealor preview ‘Skyle’s worst nightmare

Following The Young and the Restless: Victor and Jack put aside their differences to help their families, Summer and Kyle’s world spirals out of control, and Victoria questions her trust in Claire.

A party to remember! Check out all of Nikki and Victor’s 40th anniversary photos in the gallery below.


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